APN provides employees tailored to your business.
We offer our business partners 3 basic forms of cooperation.

Temporary job

Employees are employed by APN and work for the user’s employer under his supervision.
A temporary worker’s employment period with the user employer may not be longer than 18 months within 36 consecutive months.
The form of cooperation will be ideal in situations where the entrusted tasks:
- they are of a periodic or ad hoc (seasonal) nature
- are impossible to perform within the specified period by the employees of the user’s employer
- are not the responsibility of the absent employee employed by the user employer
Depending on the nature of the activities entrusted to be performed, persons performing temporary tasks may cooperate under an employment contract or based on civil law contracts.
The unit of account for this form of cooperation is usually an hourly or monthly rate.
Process outsourcing

In practice, it separates some tasks from the process (e.g. production) and hands them over for implementation and management to the APN company.
The APN company comprehensively performs the scope of activities entrusted by the contractor. This solution allows our partners to focus on their core business while APN will perform additional tasks.
The cooperation model fits perfectly in the production industry (APN employees make the components specified in the contract necessary for the final product to be made by our contractor) and in the logistics industry (packing, sorting, loading and unloading).
When using this model of cooperation, APN is responsible for comprehensive and often time-consuming HR, payroll and logistics services for the project, including the selection of appropriate personnel, health and safety, medical examinations, calculation of remuneration, creation of a work schedule and supervision over the execution of the entrusted order.
Depending on the nature of the entrusted tasks, the parties mutually agree on the unit of account. Usually, it is the number of packed products (pallets), the number of pieces made or the unit of measure of the completed product.

In recent years, APN cooperated with construction investment contractors by fulfilling the definition of a subcontractor or further subcontractor by the Public Procurement Law.
The APN company, acting as a subcontractor in the last decade, has participated in implementing the most significant construction investments in the Opole region and other parts of the country. We have been and are where the giant machines worked, kilometres of reinforcement were laid, and concrete filled the formwork with thousands of cubic meters. Our employees have proven themselves in the most demanding conditions, thanks to which we are not afraid of new challenges.
The APN company is flexible in cooperation with clients, so the business models presented above do not close the possibility of collaboration on other terms. Present us with your proposal, and we will certainly consider it. Your offer may be the beginning of a long-term cooperation with mutual benefits.
Direct recruitment service

We start each recruitment process by getting to know your needs and expectations. This allows us to match candidates to a specific recruitment process best.
We provide employee recruitment services regardless of the level of the position and the industry in which the client moves. We also recruit middle and high-level specialists and managers.
Recruitment of employees – benefits for your company from cooperation with APN:
- More time in the HR/HR Department – we take over the responsibility for the entire recruitment process and find the right employees according to your needs. As a result, your HR/HR Department has more time that can be used for its critical tasks and duties.
- Transparency and communication – we keep you informed about recruitment progress.
- Optimization of costs and time of the recruitment process – we prepare and publish advertisements and search for and select candidates best suited to your needs. In addition, we conduct a selection of candidates to present you with only the best talents.
- Individual approach – we carry out each recruitment process entrusted to us with commitment and attention. We always try our best to know your needs and requirements.
Workers for hire
If you are looking for an employee, you’ve come to the best place.
We are for you and will certainly fill the employment gaps with the best employees on the market.